29 Jun Love Letter to New York City: While Beside Your Waters
A Love Letter to An Island’s Waters
Dear the waters of New York City,
We have lived through many experiences together, you and me.
So I wanted to acknowledge a few of those moments that have made my life what it is today; while beside your waters,
While beside your waters, I have watched the sunset more times than I can count, closing out another day where anything felt possible.
While beside your waters, I have watched the sky dance on you with shades of pinks and blues and reds and oranges and purples and poofs of cotton candy.
While beside your waters, I have fallen in love.
While beside your waters, I watched that love fade away.
While beside your waters, I have made decisions that changed the direction of my life.
While beside your waters, I have hugged the hearts of those that make mine beat faster.
While beside your waters, I’ve had difficult and honest conversations; with friends, strangers, myself.
While beside your waters, I pretended I was a Broadway composer, directing the songs in my head, and sometimes even with dramatic hand gestures.
While beside your waters, I have dreamed, started, and completed passion projects.
While beside your waters, I have endured snowstorms to feel your gusts of winter winds; ending up all alone on your Coney Island Shores to later warm up with a cup of Borscht.
“While beside your waters, I have cried, dreamed, screamed.”
While beside your waters, I have basked in the glory of the long-awaited summer sun in the Far Rockaways.
While beside your waters, I have placed a message in a bottle, and offered it to your currents that I’ve learned to trust with my deepest hopes, desires, fears, and secrets.
While beside your waters, I have lied on the grass and felt supported by the earth you surround.
While beside your waters, I have stretched my body and mind.
While beside your waters, I have written a pen pal letter to my mother.
While beside your waters, I have felt deep appreciation that I have a mother I can write pen pal letters to every month.
While beside your waters, I said hello to my team.
While beside your waters, I said goodbye to that same team.
While beside your waters, I have cried, dreamed, screamed.
While beside your waters, I have trained for my first triathlon.
While beside your waters, I have held a suicidal woman in my arms so she wouldn’t jump into your abyss.
While beside your waters, I have nourished my body with food in the direct sunlight.
While beside your waters, I have made love.
While beside your waters, I have watched the sun come up offering us a new day.
While beside your waters, I celebrated my life, my birthday.
While beside your waters, I strolled next to you the night before my Bar Exam.
While beside your waters, I watched someone I love say goodbye to someone she loved.
While beside your waters, I saw her tears enter your body as you opened your abundance to her grief.
While beside your waters, I have celebrated my father’s retirement from a career he started at an office in your financial district.
While beside your waters, I have seen my mother’s eyes shine blue.
While beside your waters, I walked arm in arm with my sister.
While beside your waters, I have witnessed my brother bravely cold call his first and current employer.
While beside your waters, I have felt peace.
While beside your waters, I have felt warmth.
While beside your waters, I felt, home.
While beside your waters, I have thanked you for healing this city.
that would not exist except for the fact that it is living and breathing,
While beside your waters.

Sending a message in a bottle out to these beloved waters.
Thanks For Reading!
This letter is a part of Brian Rashid’s “Love Letters to the World,” a global initiative bringing stories of hope, humanity, and travel/tourism to our world.
A huge thanks to Bradley Tusk, the sponsor of this series called, “Love Letters to New York City.” Bradley is owner of Tusk ventures and Founder of P&T Knitwear.
You can read their story, here.
If you’re a reader and would like to support my work on a one time or ongoing basis, please visit BrianRashidGlobal.com/postage.
If you’d like to partner and collaborate on a series of love letters in your organization, city or country, please write to me: connect@brianrashid.com
As always, you can follow the journey on all social media platforms @BrianRashidGlobal and read the full collection of love letters at BrianRashidGlobal.com/LoveLetters
Thank you so much for being here on what is literally my dream coming true.
Oh so true!
With Love,
Brian Rashid
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